September 10, 2009

The Business Battlecard™: Helping companies grow

For all those charged with growing a company, the Business Battlecard™ recently published by Paul O’ Dea and Oak Tree Press is well worth reading.

The book has practical tools and techniques that are easily understood and free from all the jargon busting terms that other books on growth tend to have.
Some of the highlights I took from the book include:

  • Asking yourself what you want to be famous for, there is a great exercise suggested. Well worth considering for the next management team meeting.

  • Defining your sweet spot customer and using this definition to evaluate whether you should take on a left field revenue opportunity that emerges. The sweet spot will help tell you what is on and off strategy

  • The need to really look at the business discipline of your target customers, from my experience this is an area that people often forget, that Paul explains clearly

  • By measuring and proving value you have the potential to reduce the length of your sales cycle

  • Measuring value is something done with the customer, collaboration is key. If you don’t measure your results, does that mean you don’t care about them? Real food for thought for many companies out there

  • If you agree to a pilot, measure it, measuring will affect close rates and how buyers perceive you

  • Marketing needs to realise “savvy customers aren’t listening” they need to out themselves in the customers shoes

  • Growth companies juggle channels and don’t rely solely on one channel

  • Cracking the channel is tough but once done once it gets easier

  • You might be excited about a new channel partnership but the home truth is the channel partner many not be nearly as excited

  • Early adopters are not penny pinchers

  • Understand how buyers buy and how it will affect your channel approach

As I said this book is one to read, it is easy to walk through and doesn’t require a masters degree to understand. At the end of it you will have a strategy on one page that everyone can understand. This can only be good for everyone.
All I am left to say is well done Paul O’ Dea, a great book.
Please note the Business Battlecard™ is a trademark of select strategies

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